Yeah, yeah, I know I've said this before, but this time it's really going to happen. I'm not promising that I'll be making updates every day, but they'll certainly be more frequent that once every year or so. I have no excuses beyond the pressure of work, and while there's no guarantee that the load will get any lighter, I'll be making sure that I find time to provide some kind of update.
So why am I doing this? Well, there are still plenty of people stopping by to read the previous posts and the least I can do is provide a little more for those who keep coming back hoping for more.
For the next few weeks I'll be trying to bring everyone up to speed with the stuff I've been up to for the last couple of years and talk about a few of the projects I have lined up for 2018 - it's already looking like it's going to be a busy one. There are a couple of things in there that I can't talk about yet, but it's all good
I'll be posting a few thoughts on various aspects of building a writing career including things like writing without payment and royalty only anthologies. I have no intentions of giving writing advice - there are plenty of others out there that have something to say - but I'm happy to talk about my own experiences.
I have some guest posts lined up for the next few months but this time I've invited a few people from outside the Fantasy/SF/Horror community. If you're interested in a guest slot, I'd love to hear from you.
Kicking things off will be the fabulous Willie Meikle. Willie and I started off writing for the small press far too many years ago and somehow we've both managed to keep plugging away. His new collection of short fiction looks rather special but more of that soon enough.
So if you're a writer and would like a slot to talk about the way you work, or to vent your spleen at some aspect of the publishing industry, get in touch. Hope to hear from you!
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